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Publishing Solutions for Boomers, Bloggers and Business

Some 200 years after the ratification of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, you, as a citizen of the world, finally have an affordable medium which allows you to speak and be heard by a global audience. If freedom of the press belongs to those who own one, now, via the online publishing resources we make available to you, you have a press pass with all rights and privileges. And no doubt you know how to use it!

And at BoomerCo, we believe that the world, ultimately, is better for this opportunity. So what are you waiting for? Go forth and publish! (Well, sign up with BoomerCo first, and we’ll make publishing easy for you!)

Let’s Look at Online Publishing vs. Print

If you’re new to online publishing, you probably have questions and concerns about the viability of online publication as a business solution for your organization. We know you want to see these issues addressed. And because it’s a topic we at BoomerCo love to discuss, we’ve outlined some of the important points regarding online vs. print publishing below:

What Are The Primary Benefits of Online Publishing?

In a nutshell, online publishing:

  • Saves you money by lowering your production costs. Specifically it reduces and in some cases even eliminates the expense of traditional printing, including press time, paper costs – even manpower.
    • Your only imperative supplies would be your computer, an Internet connection and a source of electrical power.
    • Online publishing requires minimal staffing. You can hire freelancers as you grow and more human resources are needed.
    • Imagine eliminating press time and expense. Not to mention the huge costs of labor, trucking and paper.
    • You know printing expenses limit the number of copies and even the number of issues you can produce – haven’t you noticed recently how your newspaper is shrinking in physical size as well as weight? By eliminating those costs, your number of issues, issue length, and audience become limited only by your imagination – and time.
    • While the cost of print publishing rises, online publishing stays constant, and more importantly, low. (Now, we can’t speak to the future rates you’ll pay for the electricity to power your computer. Undoubtedly that will continue to rise. But you’d have some of THAT expense regardless…)
  •  Eliminates Shipping and Mailing Costs
    • With print publishing your shipping and mailing costs can be exorbitant, and the overhead and management it takes to ensure that the publication arrives everywhere on time is enormous.
    • Online publishing eliminates all of these expenses – not to mention the need for management of printing and arrival: you send your baby out free – and it arrives at all of its destinations simultaneously and immediately. In other words, delivery is a cinch!
  •  Other Resources, Time and People
    • Print publishing involves a time-consuming and complicated work flow, as your product moves from writers to editors to typesetting to proofing and printing. Online publishing automates all of these steps. They’re completed instantly – without any middlemen.

Online Publishing Generates Viable Income

  • You Enjoy A Wider Audience
    • With fewer printing and staffing costs and no mailing costs, you can put your money where it counts – and reach a wider audience was ever possible via print.
    • Your message and products get out to more people. And while you’re serving them, you also provide them with a convenient way to access and patronize your organization.
  • You Can Still Sell Advertising
    • Advertising revenues for online publications are very real, and growing.
    • Need an example? How about Google? Google, one of the largest Internet company on the planet – and still hungry for more growth – derives 100% of its revenue from tiny little ads.

Want More Benefits? How About These?


  • You no longer need to be constrained by office hours or rely on face-to-face meetings to get your publishing done.
    • You can compose posts, article, and sales content, edit, import images – and even publish – at your convenience, 24/7, no matter where you are, in your office, at a conference, from the comfort of your home, or even out at sea, etc.
    • As long as you have an Internet connection, you can write, edit, communicate with your authors, editors and advertisers online.
  • You can now totally eliminate restrictions related to space, length, or layout and design. Create with true freedom.
  • You can even arrange for multiple authors to easily work on a single publication, while you or your staff have the control to supervise their results.
  • This means your workload can be distributed among many without increasing the amount of time you need to spend on the product.
  • Once you work with BoomerCo’s designers to develop your template, you’re virtually guaranteed a highly professional appearance to your  publication with no work on your part.
  • Edit until you are happy, then just one mouse click makes an issue live, “pings” the search engines and sends the publication off to all subscribers who’ve elected to receive it via RSS feed. Only a couple more send it off to those who subscribe via email.
  • Clearly, with BoomerCo’s services, you no longer need technical knowledge to be a successful online publisher.


  • Your articles can appear under any or several headings, in multiple issues, and are automatically archived.
  • You can build your issues as you go, on your schedule, without making any of your progress visible to the public until you’re ready.
  • Want to change the look and feel of your publication? With BoomerCo’s services, it’s a snap!
  • Whether you choose to publish a website, a blog or an online magazine, it’s easy to create and manage columns, departments, calendars of events, photo album, PDF pages – even news blasts.
  • Imagine what it will mean to you once you know you can grow your content as much as you want without changing anything on the publishing end. This means you can grow your publication seamlessly.

“Green Publishing”

With online publishing, your business interests and your environmental concerns are in perfect synch. Look at what you’ve accomplished: 

  • You’ve eliminated your need for paper and printing
  • You’re saving money
  • You’re reaching a global audience
  • You’ve gained access to larger possibilities for advertising
  • You’ve increased your convenience and flexibility, while eliminating a huge source of waste and drastically reducing the amount of natural resources your publication uses.

BoomerCo Inc.

9672 W US Highway 20
Galena, IL 61036
(877) 266-6379